Hello guys! I was wondering if anyone had tips or suggestions to my current vehicle issues. So I what happened was that I lost my only pair of keys and now i am key less so no keys= no driving. I tried calling a locksmith to see if I could have a replacement set made but the locksmith could not help since I have two different keys for my vehicle, the original keys to unlock my doors and a different key for the ignition cylinder. He told me he could make me a set of keys but only for the doors and not the ignition cylinder since they have different codes. The reason i have different keys is because 3 years ago my ignition cylinders started to wear on me to the point where I couldn't turn the key anymore. As a result i ended up changing the whole ignition cylinder plus the ignition switch of my car. The set I bought came with two new sets of keys which are the ones I lost recently LOL. But anyways, the problem is that I have not found any good solutions on what to do with my vehicle without having to break or drill the heck out of my ignition lock cylinder. What do you guys think? Has anyone encountered a similar problem with their celica? I own a 2000 Gt-s manual. If anyone has any tips or suggestion on what can be done about this situation it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all for your time