My CEL went on early this week and i had some definite lag in power. I went to Autozone and had them scan my car with the OBDII scanner and the problem came up "too lean bank one." The guys at Autozone said that i probably had a vacuum leak. I checked all my vacuum hoses with a stethoscope and didn't hear any hissing at all and every connection was solid. Has anyone ever had this problem before? Any suggestions? Want to hear what you guys think before i bring the car in. Oh, what does "bank one" mean?
if you have any kind of intake and you put it on yourself you crossed a couple of the vacuum lines. you may not have a leak but something is crossed. This happened to be when i put my new clutch in, the dealer put all my stuff back on the wrong way and the next day the cel came on so i took it to a hole in the wall shop and they fixed it right up. if you don't have an intake then i dont know what to tell you. just dont take it to a dealer or they will rape you. is an independent Toyota Celica enthusiast website. is not sponsored by or affiliated with Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. in any way. The Toyota and Celica names and logos are trademarks owned by Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.