Hi guys I posted this on the groupbuys forum but not a lot of people go in there so I thought I would post this here for more reply's. Sorry if this is not allowed.

Anyways I have for sale 1 brand new Alpine IVA-D900 that I will be ready to ship next week and 2 brand new Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD that I will be ready to ship in 2 weeks. All of them for $1,250 shipped each. These retail for like $1,800 plus shipping and the cheapest I've seen them is like 1,600 shipped so this is a very good deal! If no one wants them I'll sell them on ebay. They're going for $1,500 right now. But I just wanted to see if anyone wanted them here first.
Alpine IVA-D900--
http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=13214Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD--
http://www.onlinecarstereo.com/CarAudio/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=13484PM me if interested. Thank you guys