LOL, just got back from the dealer, total cost of the S/C and install is going to be 2900(Pending)<--- cause they said labor can run anywhere from 2-6 hours. But as for the auto, i've been to the trix and vibe sites and their are ppl runnin autos w/ the S/C and w/o out problems, this doesnt lay down Tq. like S/F. from the other trix and rolla sites they say its a good auto setup As for the hood, hopefuly im gonna have it done in bout a week or so, I have had a lot of problems w/ a good fitment and being the OCD person I am, its gonna take another week or so, w/ is good cause their gonna have the car for about a week anyway to repair the door and the skit from the breakin I had about 4 weeks ago

Now the waiting begins and im bout jump outa my skin cause I cant wait