Custom Cabin Air FilterOriginally summarized by "Victor GTS 6 Speed", September 1999
Revised with additional text and photos by Isaac DeCoursey, February 2004
Want cleaner air inside your Celica?
This simple mod will get you cleaner air for you to inhale inside your Celica. It will also reduce the dust and grim build up inside your car.
As you may not already know, the Celica comes with an air filter holder behind the glove box but does NOT have a filter installed to it.
From Toyota Parts Department, you can go buy a filter to put in the holder but they will charge you $21.95 or more. It's the same one that is used in the Toyota Solara.
Things you need to make your own air filter:
*3M furnace air filter (buy the best you can find) $7 - $11
*Good pair of scissors - garden clippers work best
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Filters can be found at an home improvement center (HomeDepot, OSH...etc) for about $9. Buy the largest size since it is about the same price as the smaller sizes... And you will have enough material for about 4 filter changes (This works out to about only $3 per filter!)
The filter manufacturers claim it takes out 99.9% of all airborne particles including smoke particles.
That sounds good
Open your glove box...
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Remove all the stuff from it...
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3. Drop the glove compartment down by twisting the plastic knobs off inside the box - A half turn will get them into the correct position and then they just pull out. They are located near the top and sides of the glove compartment...
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Remove the filter holder behind the opening...
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Mine has the old filter from last time I did this - but yours will most likely be empty if this is your first time...
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Without the filter...
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Brand new filter...
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Now prep your filter for cutting by taking it apart...
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Since I bought a large filter, I cut mine into four parts so I could have another one ready when the old one needs to be replaced...
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Cut the furnace filter so it will fit inside the holder. If you need to, clip the ends and clean up your filter's edges - just be sure not to cut your filter smaller than the actual tray. Try to make a good fit without any space on the sides where air can sneak past...
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When installing to the try, make sure the metal mesh is on the bottom. The air flows from the TOP to BOTTOM on the Celica...
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This picture shows the filter upside down from the bottom...
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The airflow direction should flow as directed by the filter manufacturer. Remember the air flows from the top to the bottom in the Celica.
Open side UP...
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Grilled side on the BOTTOM...
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Install filter hold back inside the Celica and put the glove box together. You are done

The air flow will be slightly less than before because of the added filter. But On the plus side, the blower noise is greatly reduced! If you have allergies, You will probably have no more runny noses and itchy eyes due to pollen when driving your Celica now. A worthy mod to do indeed!
Toyota recommends that the cabin air filter be changed every 15,000 miles if installed - but I would suggest changing when its no longer white and is now gray (in SoCal, that's about every 4 to 6 months)
Here is a pic of the filter after a couple months
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Side by side...
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More photos can be found at...