i had just bought a sheet of this hexagonal mesh that looks the same as kaminari 12x48 for $60 shipped overnight. I was woundering what type of glue i should use to attach the mesh to my kaminari kit? I know you screw the mesh on in the front but what about the back?
Ya i know about that stuff but there are places on the kaminari kit where there is no where to plce clips. Is there a type of Urethane glue or something of the sort i could pick up at a hardwhere store?
Use a HOT GLUE GUN... available from any ARTs&crafts store for about $10 plus another $5 for 40 sticks of glue... that should hold everything on nice and solid and don't worry about using too much - just worry abut placing your glue so that no one can see it... the best thing about this glue is that it's weather resistant too
..unlike play-doh
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i have a kaminari kit and i put the grill myself, it has been on for a little bit over a year now and it's holding pretty good. what i used is silicone , once it's hard you can forget about it. it's messy but it works . also if you can apply in a cool room it will be better. if you have a fan it will help it cure faster. try it and tell me about it
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