Q-Tip is the brand name. But you want to be careful using a Q-tip to clean the MAF because the little threads of cotton can come off and get stuck on it. Most people suggest just spraying the crap out of it with the right stuff. Should do a fine job, that's what I did.
Safer to use non-chlorinated brake cleaner. You might damage the MAFS by pushing too hard on the sensors, and some fuzz from the Q-tip might get stuck in them. Besides, you can't clean the entire MAFS with just a Q-tip. It won't fit up inside the MAFS. Brake cleaner will get everywhere, and push out the dirt.
Use Computer/Electronic Contact Cleaner. You can purchase a spray can at any Autoparts store. The can should last you about three seperate times you clean your MAF, maybe more depending on how much you use. Please don't use a Q-Tip, since you can easily break the two small porcelain wires. Also...Brake cleaner is for brakes not for electronics.
Last edited by n8mulder; Oct 8, 2004 3:54pm.
{Live each day, like it's your last day on earth} <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Actually, the wires aren't THAT fragile, and I don't think they're porcelain. I dissected a friend's damaged MAFS, and those little wires were pretty tough to cut through. Bending them with a Q-tip isn't a good idea, though.
Non-chlorinated brake cleaner won't leave any residue behind, so it's safe to use. I was told to use it by Boosted2.0 on New[/b]Celica[b].org, and he's one of the most knowledgible people on Toyotas I have ever seen.
I use a Q-Tip. No, I don't use 1, I use several. Maybe because I know what I'm doing. I also spray the crap out of it. The Q-Tip will get stuff off that wouldn't normaly come off due to a generous spray. The Q-tip won't leave strands or stuff behind or break anything if you are careful. I don't think if you leave a strand of cotton on one of the wire sensors that it's going to f**k you're MAF or cause problems with you're CAI or engine. That's insane. Anything left on there will probably be sucked off anyways and burnt. After spraying generously with electrical cleaner several times, I always can get some debris/grime off with the Q-Tip that was left behind. I have done this a total of 2 times since I had my CAI from 2 years ago. Never any problems. Good luck and you didn't hear it from me.
hehe q-tips have been proven unsafe from to many people jamming them in there too far. You are supposed to use a special drops that you put in your ear.
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