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I got a ticket last night for $180.50, the officwer was a dick and said I was doing 61 in a 45. And I know I wasnt. I saw him i the turning lane and a truck was messing with me so I got behind him and then I passed the cop (he was sitting in the turning 2 cars back) The when I was pretty far away I speed up and pass the truck I went about 5-7 mph over then slowed right back down becasue of a red light. He said He got me on radar I there was no way he could of clocked me from the angle where he was at. So has anyone challeged a ticket before, what happened? please let me know. My mom also call the hwp today and the man could be suspened for cussing at me ( oh yea he was blk and im wht). I did have a witness in the car with me.

The pic was taken right after I got the ticket. this is where he was (two cars were infront of him) I start to pass the truck at the second green light (going speed limit) then I speed up and go over about 5 or 6 mph then slow right back downn for the 3rd green light because it tured red. Like 45 - 1 minute later the cop pulls up behind me a turns on his lights.
1953410482-Picture 003.jpg

Last edited by blitzceli; Jan 2, 2005 5:48pm.

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well I was just caught doing 80 in a 65 but the cop cut it down to 71 and gave me a ticket for $124

- I have no intention on challenging. I took a chance by exceeding the speed limit, as I've done many times, however on this occasion I was caught. Why should one dispute something when they're obviously at fault? If, in fact, you are absolutely sure that you were not speeding - by all means challenge the ticket in court, but please don't mention race as I'm sure that had nothing to do with it and may serve to spread unnecessary prejudice.

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Im pretty sure it alos has to do with race. The officer on the phone asked my mom if I was white. and she replied yes. The officer said ok, and didnt say anything about it. Maybe becasue they know he has a prob with race.

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there some like 4 page post over on the NC boards about getting out of tickets. Not sure if its still on there. But hey I got a $87 ticket for clear coners so I konw about BS tickets.

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it's better not to jump to conclusions...

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Challenge the ticket man... I don't know about in florida but here in cali the officer that gave you the ticket has to appear in court and if he doesn't well then its dropped just like that. If he does show up then challenge it. Get your facts straight and get ready to defend yourself..practice your lawyer skills hah. My friend got a ticket to for pretty much the same thing you were doing and he got out of it. He went all out and drew like diagrams took pictures and what not. So maybe if you take that extra time to draw something up they will keep that in mind that you took the time to actually do something about it. The worst case scenario is that you end up lossing and you have to pay. Everything to gain nothing to lose.


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wow you guys get slammed, i got a ticket 10 over in a school zone and my fine wsa 10 dollars and no points rofl

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lol thats sweet neway i got a ticket about a month ago for 56 on a 35 and it was 123$ and i think the rule here is that the officer has to show the the radar and the speed you were going but i was in the back of his car so i saw it myself didnt even have to ask and he had it al on tape so you should have asked him to prove how fast you were going

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challlege it. i have gotten three tickets for speeding and you defintly need to go to court. first talk to the prosequter. i kno i spelled it wrong but that is the guy you need to talk to. i kno in most states the officer that wrote the ticket doesn't need to appear because the prosequter will take his place useing the officer's written accounts of the situation. HE GETS PAID BY THE CASE. not hourly so he wants to get as many cases in in the shortest amout of time. so you can bargan with him. i have lowered all three of my tickets from 20 over to drivers class, from 28 over to 15 over adn 31 over to 25 over. all with signifigantly lower fines and points on my lisence. also if they got you on radar always get a radar read out. they can make up that adn it will be basically solid evidence that you were not going the speed in which he said you were, but you can only do that when you are pulled over. in court you can ask for the accuracy tests of the radar guns. over time they become less accurate. ever month they need to be tested. you can see the records of the gun too. lastly i really don't care wat situation ur really in but take it from me with three tickets in one year, and if i get one more in a year then i will be labeled habitual offender, know where and when to speed. not all the time. it will get you in a situation where you have to go the rediculously slow speed limit. because that is where i'm at. good luck in court. p.s. where a tie

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^ spelling? LOL Thats where you can learn a lot of the info and what you can do right now. yeah getting a ticket sucks man.. i JUST got one this past week for a 78 in a 65 going to Big Bear (California). I know for sure that the cop went after me cause it was the day after xmas and i was the only one driving the "sports car" in a shiny blue color. Everyone else was driving a SUV packed with snowboards etc.. and going faster than i was but nooo he decided to be a jerk and go after me. Whatever, i know i wasn't going as fast as 78 and i was in the way left lane too. i'm thinking of contesting it cause he didn't even get me by radar, so i can attack his argument cause it was his JUDGEMENT, and also i can ask for his squad car's paperwork on the most recent speedometer calibration and all that stuff to be effective in pacing and speeding blah.

Also, don't count on the cop NOT showing up to court. They get paid overtime 200-300 bucks for that tiny little appearance so bet your money that they'll be there. Unless of an emergency. Contesting a ticket, everytime you contest your chances get better, but if you lose, consequences are maximum punishment which is why im still hesitant to contest.

Oh yeah go to and read the thing about the Written Declaration. It's your right (here in california at least) to have a Written Declaration and not appear in court. YOu and the officer both have to write a report and send it to the Judge. There's a chance that the cop won't do it or wont remember to write a effective report and on top of that, he doesn't get paid 200-300 bucks overtime to write that report, like he would if it was a court case. grin my advice to you and gluck. i know i need it too.

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what a dick!!! thumbsdown

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im so lucky
this x-mas i got the Escort Passport 8500 X50 Radar and Laser Detector
and yes its installed in my celica so it looks sweet also matches the color
and yes ive been saved twice going 80 on 45.
and yes you should challege bc here in OR the officer has to show up at court and
there usually to busy eating doughnuts

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when i get pulled over they give me these tickets that mean i pay the money but no points no insurance report so ive been lucky i guess

respect the gt-s

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Here's a piece of advice that most people are too worried about at the moment to realize. If you believe that you're not speeding, and are rather confident that you're not, ask him to show you his radar gun. If he's already cleared it, or doesn't have proof of it, he CANNOT give you a ticket. You must be 110% sure though, or he's most likely to be a dick, and give you soemthing even more.

Those radar detectors are decent. Valentine one is the best. Be careful, and have it hidden.

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I challenged a speeding ticket doing 43 in a 25 zone...and i got out of it with just paying the points. Here in Pa that's a 4 point violation...i already had 2 on my license...and when you get 6 points you lose your license for 90 days frown I did a lot of research on it and there are plenty of ways to get out of it...but if you show up at court your chances are 50:50 for getting out of a speeding ticket...or well that's about the national average for speeding charges. And it probably only costs a few dollars more to go to court than it does for the you can't really lose. And he won't charge you on something more for challenging him.

There are things like them having to wear their full uniform, prove you were speeding and their equipment has been tested and there has been a something engineer survey for the speed in that area within a certain amount of time and things with flow of traffic and where he was when he caught you etc. Look it up on askjeeves or google and i'm sure you'll find a lot. I would get a lawyer though. For a simple case like this it would probably cost less than $100 for a lawyer good enough to cover your case...and if you live in a smaller town...your local lawyer probably knows all of the cops and judges personally. Anyway i basically just had to argue that i was a good kid and i didn't realize i was speeding and i got out of it...but it sounds like you definitely could get out of it...just don't play the race card. That sounds bad to us, it will definitely sound bad to a cop.

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yes. well now Ive been doing research. I am going to get a radar detector with the fazer. Then I will know will for sure he cant get a radar on me. IM 100% sure that I wast speeding, if i did go over acouple oh mph over there is no way he could of gotte a radar on me bec I was out of range and he was behind two cars

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By the way what are some good radars out there? at least under $200

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You get what you pay for. Valentine One is the best. A lot of reviews recommend it. Google.

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check the not guilty box and ask the officer to get his radar detector out and show everybody your speed.

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Originally Posted by jyboygenius
Here's a piece of advice that most people are too worried about at the moment to realize. If you believe that you're not speeding, and are rather confident that you're not, ask him to show you his radar gun. If he's already cleared it, or doesn't have proof of it, he CANNOT give you a ticket. You must be 110% sure though, or he's most likely to be a dick, and give you soemthing even more.

Those radar detectors are decent. Valentine one is the best. Be careful, and have it hidden.
The thing is most people are speeding even if that hate to admit it. Asking to see the radar slip even 5 MPH over the speed limit is asking for trouble and more tickets. The officer doesn't need to show you anything. That's for the court to decide, not on the streets between a police officer and a civilian.
Get a PBA card and get out of jail for free especially if it's from a Sheriff or high ranking member of the police force of some county or town.

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get Escort Passport 8500 X50 Radar and Laser Detector
best out there
but it fits perfectly in a celica

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be careful with cops i got caught doing 77 in a 55... he said he got me on laser.. i got nothing on my radar detector which was weird, and i am pretty sure i was not going that fast... I am challenging it and hoping he just doesn't show up.. that would be awesome lol

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wait.. everyone's talking about radar detectors. I got a ticket like last week on the damn freeway for a 78 in a 65 which i was NOT doing for sure. LOWER speeds of course. He didn't use a radar but he paced me. OR so i think cause on the ticket it doesn't say radar. However, i saw him follow me for about a mile and i kept the speed at a constant 65-70 so... should i contest?

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uhh yea. he could have been gasing it to speed up on you and just guessed thats about how fast you were going. i want to challenge it but i dont want to lose and have to pay more. Im goin to ask my gf dad(cop) so see when he works then make a court date for that day. he they work on your court date they wont show for sure.

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cops make it not as fun to drive-always gotta be lookin back to see if they are behind you

respect the gt-s
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