can someone advise me on what to do about this. I have been driving my celica for over a month with this little noise that would sound like a "cllck" whenever i let of the gas, put in the clutch, or just put it in neutral. Basically when it was moving. I thought it might be something very small, now for the past 3 days it became worse. Today i was driving and i felt the need for speed and hit 110MPH and the "
cllck" was as loud as the past 3 days but louder than the previous 20ish days. Now i was on my break from work so i went back and i parked my car and 3-4 hours later i got out from work. Started up my car, drove and then realized that the "cllck" was more like the sound of a rim not bolted on. I got out. parked it. e-braked, and moved my tires/rims around and it seemed normal. The noise is VERY bad sounding and i dont know what it is, does anyone know? btw the noise is only in the front. Please Please Please help me