If the o2 sensors were in(connected)the cat or the resonator while they(cat and resonator) were gutted, The o2 sensors were probobly glazed by the extra heat and exhaust fumes. hope this makes sense, hard to explain...Then you put a new cat and resonator on the car w/ the original o2 sensors (not new ones) then the cat and resonator are good but the o2 sensors were damaged and need to be replaced.
Hope this helps, someone may be able to explain it better than me, you probobly messed up the o2 sensors when you gutted the parts. The dealership will read the codes the check engine light shoots and tell you.
hey man, Greddy, Tanabe, Apexi... Any of these exhaust are going to sound similar. Don't go wastin all your money to try to get your celica to sound like a tundra, "It aint gonna happin"
Be happy w/ the TRD. Its nice, sounds good not ricey, it performs, thats all you need man.
Go buy a Tundra or ask Chris Rado to build you a 1000hp 2.7 liter turbo Tacoma motor like he runs,lol just kiddin
[ 12-10-2002, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: redracer ]