Well my celica has been able to run since friday, however we cant go any higher than about 2k PRM and no faster than putting around the parking lot (by choice). we wont take it any faster because the Emanage is throwing a warrning light. It says it is not getting readings from the injector pulse. Well a likely explination for this would be because Hass never sent a injector harness, just ECU and ignition. My question is, is there a short cut around this, or do we have to have that harness? Im asking you because Hass is having a hard time returning our phone calls.
On a better note, it sounds awesome...jsut idling it echos off walls of buildings across the street. has a kazuma sound to it yet a hint of dump truck. no leaks of any kind, no detonation or bad timing, no smoke, and no over heating problems thus far. Hoefully Hass will answer our phone calls and I can be driving it soon!!