I'm looking for information on the replica Veilside kit. I've done a members search for EC-1, Veilside, VS, and replica, and nothing came up - so I'm posting here...
If you bought the Veilside replica kit from GroupBuy4Celica, could you PM me or post here about fitment, likes, and dislikes. I only want info on the kit, not the seller, please!
IMO, bottom line, when you buy a replica kit, your shop is going to have to make some minor adjustments to make a perfect fitment. Its no biggie, so if your going to save ALOT of $$$ by getting a replica, it might be worth it - keep in min dyour shop might charge you a lil extra to make the perfect fitment. (most of the times though shops agree to paint and install the kit without testing fitment..so once they agree on a price and go ahead to do it, they usually end up doing all the adjustments. BUTT if your only saving like 200-300 bux by getting a replica..your beter off getting the real deal. If i can give any advice, it would be..take your time and do it right. I learned that the hard way. We are all in ah urry to do our things, but when you wait and spend more money and do it right..its 10000x better.
Don't get it from importfan.com I got the veilside replica from them and the fit was so bad that the only way they could install the kit was to mold all the pieces on... and costing me more money!
Well, when I got mine I test fitted it and noticed there were some really small problems with fitment. I just took out the sander and fixed it, took it to get painted, then installed it, and that was it. I heard nothing but good things about GroupBuy4Celica's kits, so yo have nothing to worry about if you buy a replica kit from him. Even though what skoof is saying is true, think about all the money you could have saved and used towards something else for your Celica.
try www.wickedbodies.net [wickedbodies.net] i bought some things from them and they were great-i think they sell that kit--just call him and ask them they will tell you the truth--this one is $910
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