sooo ummmm how do you bleed the air system?
do a search, i did an explanation of how to do it sometime back.
get a 10mm socket unbolt the water bottle, extend the hoses and the bottle upward off the bracket thats holding it,put the bottle on the hood latch(yes the hood latch it fits as if its sliding on to the same bracket that you just took it off of) open the bottle,start the engine,begin to add coolant,the little knob on the bottle,needs to be opened(not all the way) the coolant will begin to flow, and the bubbles are going to start coming out of one side of the hose, coolant will begin flowing back into the other side of the bottle(at this time you are adding coolant) some coolant will be wasted. and its going to take a long time for the bubbles to come out. the engine fans will be on by the time this happens (dont stop the car let it run as you add the coolant) when its filled and the bnubbeles are out you can see the coolant flowing into and out of the bottle by the hoses. at this point close the little valve first, fill up to the full mark, then put the cover back on.slide the bottle off the hood latch,slide it unto the bracket, and bolt it back in place.
in a nutshell.
i did a more detail explanation(search).