Nate sold his Celica a long long time ago. But most recently, he moved to a new place because of his job - because of these, Im not sure it will be happening.
It's simple to create your own calendar. Find several photos that you like and dump them into a calender creator type of program.. here is one that works well are some interesting dates to add to yours

2005 - New Year's Day, Elvis Presley's Birthday, Pooh Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Ernie's Birthday, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for Black History Month, Children's Dental Month, Elmo's Birthday, St. Valentine's Day, President's Day, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for National Nutrition Month, Share a Smile Day, Dr. Seuss's Birthday, Johnny Appleseed Day, St. Patrick's Day, Doctor's Day, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for National Garden Month, Pet Owner's Day, Earth Day, National Arbor Day, National Library Week, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for American Bike Month, National Duckling Month, Mother Goose Day, Mother's Day, Kite Day, Circus Day, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for Donald Duck's Birthday, Power of a Smile Day, Father's Day, Flag Day, First Day of Summer, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for National Ice Cream Month, Independence Day, Teddy Bear's Picnic Day, Moon Day, Bert's Birthday, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for Parent's Day, National Watermelon Day, National Friendship Day, Roller Coaster Day, National Aviation Day, National Smile Week, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for Better Breakfast Month, Library Card Sign-Up Month, Labor Day, National Grandparents Day, First Day of Fall, National Dog Week, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for National Popcorn Popping Month, National Apple Month, Columbus Day, Farmer's Day, Halloween, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for International Drum Month, Peanut Butter Lover's Month, Sandwich Day, Hug-a-Bear Day, Thanksgiving Day, and many more...
2005 - Includes ideas for Safe Toys and Gifts Month, Wright Brother's Day, First Day of Winter, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and many more...