I've had my 2003 Celica GTS since November 2004. I love everything about it except for one thing - the 'beep-beep-beep' that means 'hey, dipstick, you're in reverse!' . I've been driving standards for a long, long time and have never had a car that made passengers laugh out loud when I backed up! It's a running gag with my friends now...they swivel their heads around looking for the dumptruck or fire engine that must be coming at them. Yeah, the 6-spd gates are pretty tight, but thats a good thing - it sure beats hell out of the 6" slop that my 1995 Ford Escort GT had! It only took a couple of days to get the feel for 1st vs reverse and now the noise just bugs me.
Where is this sound coming from and can I disconnect it without nasty side effects? Toyota should have made this a blinking 'R' on the dash IMHO