I just found this website like 2 weeks ago and have already found so many things that I can't wait to do with my Celica. I'm starting simple for right now and working up to some bigger and badder mods. But I wanted to put this out there because I had a question about my gauges. I ordered a blue LED conversion kit not long ago and am still waiting for it to come in the mail. I've read up on how to remove the cluster and locate the LED's and all that but the one thing that I can't find is if there's a way to remove ALL the orange coloring on the gauges, not just the needles. It might be a stupid question, but I haven't pulled out the gauges yet to look at it myself, and I was hoping you guys could help save me some time. Based on the pictures I've seen it'll look awesome at night, but during the day I'm going to be staring and an orange cluster and it'll drive me insane. I've seen some of those RJ Auto Works gauges (Blue/Black), loved them, but seems like you can't get them anymore. So if there's a way to remove the stock orange color from the entire cluster, how? And then how I would go about painting it the color that I'd like. If possible at all...