Hi everybody,
This will be my first post and I would first like to introduce myself. I have a 2001 blue celica GT that I truly love. My dad bought it in 2002 and gave it to me later on as a "hand me down", but I loved it. It has a 171k miles, running great with no problems. Last year I swapped the transmission to the 6-speed, by accident, but it turned out great. I love my car just like everybody here does and I am very enthusiastic about making some subtle changes to my car.
Yesterday, I bought a pair of Phillips Crystal Vision bulbs, 4000k "Xenon look" and I got the "UFO" on only one headlight, driver side. I read about the reasons why that happens, but the passenger side headlight doesn't have that issue.
I recently replaced that headlight because I hit a deer, but it was supposed to be changed for the same year and model headlight and I don't understand why I have that issue on only one.
Thank You
Last edited by chichi; Jul 23, 2014 11:52am.