So these are all over the forums from premade boxy ones to custom made ones.

Currently I am making a set in the wheel wells in the trunk with fiberglass...taping up the inside and the tedious process of adding layers of fiberglass patches and resin, meanwhile stinking up my car and house because of working in the garage.

Then I had an epiphany!

Has anyone tried doing an ABS plastic one, from what I understand their comparable in strength. I know if you mix ABS plastic (can be bought in sheets from amazon and ebay, and acetone you get an ABS "sludge" and once the acetone evaporates your left the plastic. I'd assume with more acetone you could thin out the sludge and maybe put it through a pain gun with easy distribution and quick?

Thoughts? I dont have a spray gun and soon wont have the time but if anyone's willing to try this Id'c like to see how it goes.

Shoot me an email if you have tried or may try this.

Last edited by krep; Jul 29, 2014 8:04pm.