Hi, i looked at the ad and my advice (fwiw) is NO this looks like a thrashed unit that has been moded, cel does not come on for no reason, the code number, when you put an obdII scanner on it will tell you almost exactly what is wrong. If you say i'm 19 and i want to ins a toy celica gen 7 with mods they will piss there pants with laughter, my estimate 2k based on its group 33/4 and i pay 550 fully comp with 40 yrs of a clean licence, btw my car is only worth a grand !!!, Buy a good honest basic car with 100k/ 20 and look for rust, and rips inside. Best of luck.
I have a gen 7 2001 now but have 2 previous gen5's since 20 years ago, cant go wrong with a good celica. Still got one in the garage stored.