Hi there, first time on this forum so forgive me if i'm not following proper etiquette.
I own a 2000 Celica GT, it was my daily for the past 4 years until I replaced it with a new car. Its got 208k miles, a salvage title, and all the dents dings and scratches you could ask for.
It's battered and beaten, but I just don't have the heart to get rid of it. Since I don't daily it anymore, I want to turn it into a project car, but I don't want to spend a ton of money on my 20 year old salvage title beater. So I come to this form asking the tired old question; how cheap can I make it go fast?
I thought about a 2zz-ge engine swap, but I feel like this is the least cost effective option in terms of horse power per dollar.
I've also considered turbo-ing my battered old 1zz-fe. I'm not doing an engine rebuild or anything fancy like that. I'm talking about slapping some cheap Chinese eBay special or junkyard turbo on this bucket and calling it a day. Only caveat is I don't entirely know whats involved with the electronics on an aftermarket turbo build. I know that tuning it the right way can get expensive, but perhaps I can cobble something together with a rising rate fuel pressure regulator and a BIPES ACU to tune ignition timing and fuel flow. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Something else I've considered is a high performance fuel pump,high flow injectors and a cold air intake. The idea being if I can cram more air and fuel into the engine I should get more power out of it.
If anyone has some suggestions id be happy to hear them.