Just a heads-up; it wont fit on all bumpers unless you do some MAJOR modification to your bumper.
Its NOT flat on the Veilside:
![[Linked Image]](https://celicahobby.com/gal3/albums/new/DSC00011.jpg)
Its also NOT flat on the Invader:
![[Linked Image]](https://celicahobby.com/gal3/albums/new/StreetInvader11.jpg)
Kaminari is another bumper that is NOT flat across the bottom:
![[Linked Image]](https://celicahobby.com/gal3/albums/exterior2/CelicaCFhoods_Larryd4.jpg)
Notice on the Blitz, it's flat across the bottom:
![[Linked Image]](https://celicahobby.com/gal3/albums/isaac_blitz/DCP_0025.jpg)
Its also flat across the bottom of the K2:
![[Linked Image]](https://celicahobby.com/gal3/albums/new/front1.jpg)
TRD is also flat across the bottom:
![[Linked Image]](https://celicahobby.com/gal3/albums/new/Celica_de_Francisco_002.jpg)
I don't really need to spend the extra $$ for carbon because. I want it for looks but mainly to add a little protection for the bottom of my bumper. So if anyone can recommend any sites it would be helpful.
Since you don't care for the looks of carbon fiber, nor its light-weight features. And high quality fiber glass is also not something you're looking for, since you just desire an extra bumper/layer of protection; Make a trip to your local Home Depot/OSH/Lowes/building supply company to buy a sheet of THIN/LIGHT ABS plastic for around $20 from the doors/window section. Wood is NOT a good idea because it tends to warp and it tears easily if you should make errors while driving/parking - plus, its heavy and absorbs water, which could cause mold and all sorts of other problems.
A very rough guide:
1) Remove your bumper.
2) Set it on top of the material.
3) Draw an outline around the bottom border of your bumper, leaving a few inches in the rear.
4) Use an electric saw to cut the material.
5) Attach it to your bumper with nuts and bolts and you are done.
https://celicahobby.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/18550/fender-reinforcement-pictures.htmlUse your favorite color paint to spiffy the look of your new add-on.
I'd highly recommend though, if this is a modification that you are doing to a vehicle you intend to show-off, get it done correctly and go with the Carbon Fiber - its lighter and will get you much more compliments in the long-runHere are some Carbon Fiber Front Air Splitter pictures showing attachment locations:
https://celicahobby.com/gallery/index.php/category/inst-wind-splitter-attachment![[Linked Image]](https://celicahobby.com/gal3/albums/inst_winsplitter/DCP_0022.jpg)
![[Linked Image]](https://celicahobby.com/gal3/albums/inst_winsplitter/DCP_0046.jpg)