I was just wondering what parts you have to get for the S2000 antenna, I know that you use an actual S2000 antenna, but do you need any other wire harness, or motor etc...?
Hasn't this been posted like a million times before? Just go into a Honda dealership, I know it hurts; and ask for an s2000 antenna ($20) and just unscrew the old and put the new in. Took 1 minute if that to install.
Hasn't this been posted like a million times before? Just go into a Honda dealership, I know it hurts; and ask for an s2000 antenna ($20) and just unscrew the old and put the new in. Took 1 minute if that to install.
good luck getting one for $20 at a dealer.
The Honda by my house wanted $70 for that thing
To have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation To know even one life has breathed easier This is to have succeeded.
Sh**T that is insane! I expected to wait a week at least for an antennna from Honda, because at my dealership I've waited 2 weeks for wiper blades! The sales rep at Honda gave that to me in five minutes. Like $20-$23 w/tax.
dude, ebay is the way to go for s2000 antennas. i got mine for like 15 shipped, used off an s2000. and loc tite is good, but what i did was i took off the rubber housing, it comes off pretty easily, and use a wrench to screw that bad boy in pretty tite. i dont think anybody is gonna try to screw off ur antenna using a wrench.
got mine for $31 form cerritos honda( norm reeves) then it got stolen, never bought another one just went back to stock cause that way to much to pay a second time. oh and i won;t put lock-tite on it because another guy did that and the person who stole his antenna ripped off the rubber but left the inner part since it was glued down. now his has to roll around with a stripped s2k antenna
just got mine today, it looks great, all you need is the mast, i got it for 20 bucks total. i need some locktite soon though. but for right now it looks phat just screwed on.
Hasn't this been posted like a million times before? Just go into a Honda dealership, I know it hurts; and ask for an s2000 antenna ($20) and just unscrew the old and put the new in. Took 1 minute if that to install.
good luck getting one for $20 at a dealer.
The Honda by my house wanted $70 for that thing
Got mine from Ebay for like $25.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force...number one in the hood, G
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