i was wondering if there was any easily accessable 12v wiring which i can splice into under the hood. Preferably it would be a wire with a switch already wired into teh car such as the head lights.
the problem with that is that i am not particuarly mechanically inclined so the more indepth you get, the less i will be able to do.
If you dont feel like doing it this is a pretty easy mod and you could just go to circuit city or best buy. Cause if you are really inclined the last thing you wanna do is go cutting your headlights and tinkering around with them.
the problem with that is that i am not particuarly mechanically inclined so the more indepth you get, the less i will be able to do.
Thats why "fuse tap", no cutting of wires to existing systems.
For example, you could tap your cig lighter fuse, run power to a switch, then run power to the neon via the rubber "gromet" in the fire wall (its right behind the battery). So now you can turn it on an off when the power is hot. Its very easy its how most of us have added all our lights and what not.
allow me to rephrase; i am mechanically inclined i am just not comfortable doing anything technical to the celi yet. I am not even sure how to access teh firewall.
allow me to rephrase; i am mechanically inclined i am just not comfortable doing anything technical to the celi yet. I am not even sure how to access teh firewall.
OK, your right stay away from your car because I just told you how to get through the fire wall and you still don't get it, or your not trying to. Its so easy its stupid I could do it for you in 20min with all the parts. NOOB!
How bout this. Don't get the neon in your hood because it looks like some radioactive puke in your engine. Neons don't do anything but attract unwanted attention anyway.
I mean. Think about it. "Look at me, my car glows in wierd places!" The only things that are originally suspose to glow are Brake rotors, your header, and gauges. And guess what? they all glow [/color]ORANGE![/color]
How bout this. Don't get the neon in your hood because it looks like some radioactive puke in your engine. Neons don't do anything but attract unwanted attention anyway.
I mean. Think about it. "Look at me, my car glows in wierd places!" The only things that are originally suspose to glow are Brake rotors, your header, and gauges. And guess what? they all glow ORANGE!
and ull also block important air flow to cool ur engine meaning ur celi wont be performing to its full potentiel
The only things that are originally suspose to glow are Brake rotors, your header, and gauges. And guess what? they all glow [/color]ORANGE![/color]
I dont know about you but my headers and brake rotors dont glow?
I believe depending on brakes, and the speed your going, the friction will cause it to glow. If you look at some night videos in japan of them drifting, going in a straightaway, then into a corner, sometimes you see a glow emitting from the brakes. Enough friction = heat = energy = can produce light.
in any event i finally completed this install and it only took like and hour and a half (WOW!) Gen7fan, although you did make fun of me your info was very helpful and i couldnt have done it with out it, so thanks Now my problem is that the neon was supposed to be red and it is pink Time to upgrade to a bigger neon.
ummm...yea...ok that the neon was supposed to be red and it is pink Time to upgrade to a bigger neon.
Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? All your doing with your now pink neon is drawing power away from your electronics. And If you can't understand why brake rotors and headers glow red from heat, then I don't know why you attempt to moddify your car. All a car is, is physics acting upon each other. Learn to understand that and you'll see my point and understand whats going on in your car.
ummm...yea...ok that the neon was supposed to be red and it is pink Time to upgrade to a bigger neon.
Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? All your doing with your now pink neon is drawing power away from your electronics. And If you can't understand why brake rotors and headers glow red from heat, then I don't know why you attempt to moddify your car. All a car is, is physics acting upon each other. Learn to understand that and you'll see my point and understand whats going on in your car.
some people aren't all about performance man...take it easy on the newbie
To deny the simple pleasures in life is to desire death in the most horrifing way.
ummm...yea...ok that the neon was supposed to be red and it is pink Time to upgrade to a bigger neon.
Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? All your doing with your now pink neon is drawing power away from your electronics. And If you can't understand why brake rotors and headers glow red from heat, then I don't know why you attempt to moddify your car. All a car is, is physics acting upon each other. Learn to understand that and you'll see my point and understand whats going on in your car.
some people aren't all about performance man...take it easy on the newbie
I'm enlightening the young one in the ways of the Ninja.
ummm...yea...ok that the neon was supposed to be red and it is pink Time to upgrade to a bigger neon.
Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? All your doing with your now pink neon is drawing power away from your electronics. And If you can't understand why brake rotors and headers glow red from heat, then I don't know why you attempt to moddify your car. All a car is, is physics acting upon each other. Learn to understand that and you'll see my point and understand whats going on in your car.
some people aren't all about performance man...take it easy on the newbie
I'm enlightening the young one in the ways of the Ninja.
No, actually what you're doing is making an idiot out of yourself by trying to sound intelligent. Give it up, the people here with real degrees can see past your
in any event i finally completed this install and it only took like and hour and a half (WOW!) Gen7fan, although you did make fun of me your info was very helpful and i couldnt have done it with out it, so thanks Now my problem is that the neon was supposed to be red and it is pink Time to upgrade to a bigger neon.
No problem, glad I could help. I was just tryin to get you to see how easy it was, and get out there and do it, no harm ment. Screw these other guys, do what you want, its your car.
ummm...yea...ok that the neon was supposed to be red and it is pink Time to upgrade to a bigger neon.
Do you not comprehend what I am saying here? All your doing with your now pink neon is drawing power away from your electronics. And If you can't understand why brake rotors and headers glow red from heat, then I don't know why you attempt to moddify your car. All a car is, is physics acting upon each other. Learn to understand that and you'll see my point and understand whats going on in your car.
Hey NOOB!!! Blow it out your ass smartymcbutterpants!! How bout you grow up get off the power trip and let people do what they will.
in any event i finally completed this install and it only took like and hour and a half (WOW!) Gen7fan, although you did make fun of me your info was very helpful and i couldnt have done it with out it, so thanks Now my problem is that the neon was supposed to be red and it is pink Time to upgrade to a bigger neon.
well i'm glad it worked out for you.
and ditto to the comment that not everyone is about performance and style is more important to some people (civics do exist for a reason--anyway).
did you set it up the way isaac's pics showed? it's worth looking into if you didn't.
and please don't take the actions of some of us as opinions from the rest of us. flaming is not very common here, despite what it seemed.
and of course post count doesnt dictate intelligence--i hope no one assumes that. but it DOES dictate familiarity. (users with a higher post count are more likely to be familiar with the question--because most questions have already been asked a hundred times over).
of course someone with 0 posts could be much more intelligent than someone with 10,000 posts. but as a rule of thumb a higher post count does indicate that the user has probably seen the question--and more importantly the solution--to a particular question.
^nobody is forcing you to read this thread bro, if you don't like it then refrain from opening the thread. Anyway this is boring me as well so I'm outta this...
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