Maybe it's a really dumb thing that everyone knows... But I didn't and I'm sure a lot of ppl don't either...
Yesterday, I painted my headlights turning lights silver to match with the rest of the headlight, then as I tried to put them back in, it got scratched.
SO I took them off again and as I scratched them with my nails, not only the silver paint came off, but the amber color did so also!
So I just scratched them with hard plastic, and about 10 minutes later( 5 mins each), I have perfectly clear turning lights!
It looks great, and matches the rest of the headlight perfectly, none of that blue rice color (IMO)
PS. The second one took my a little more effort to peel it off in the beginning. To make it easier, leave them blinking for like 15 secs ( they get hot fast ), and take it of and give it a good hard scratch, this will tear the first hole, and then work it increasing it.
Does anyone want me to post pics?