save up some money and have a body shop pop it out for that way ur insurance won't go up..i rather do that then having the insurance sky rocket. But good luck..
save up some money and have a body shop pop it out for that way ur insurance won't go up..i rather do that then having the insurance sky rocket. But good luck..
I'd still look pretty shitty if they popped it out, if they even could.
His tail light is busted also, so that would have to be replaced.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force...number one in the hood, G
oooh...that sucks man! well for now i say you jus pop it out and save money on a kit if your plannin to get one. at least he or she didnt ruin anything else like ur lights...
tell the pplz at the store to find out who did it by lookin at the cameras or wat ever get his plates go to DMV get his adrees and go to his house key his car all the doors and shit break his windows and throw eggs at it that would teach the basterd a lesson
Man I'd be so pissed! I'd be on a mission to find them and show them whats up! Good luck with the insurance BS. I know that can be a lengthy process...
insurance is gonna raise ur payments, so dont deal with urs. first thing to do is go to the store and look around if they have any cameras. then go in and ask them that ur car was hit in their lot. its better if you bought few items from there so itll be a proof that you were there. i think some of the businesses have insurances or something for their parking lots so if anything happens in there they cover it somehow. if they get a license plate number with cameras, report to the cops. if you catch the guy, then his insurance will pay for it, or else the cingulars place will pay. if none work, then goto ur insurance or fix it urself for cheaper. take it to bodyshop, theyll get it done probably for 300?? its not worth the insurance rising up though, cz when they do it, its hard to go back down. protect ur rights
oooh...that sucks man! well for now i say you jus pop it out and save money on a kit if your plannin to get one. at least he or she didnt ruin anything else like ur lights...
wait... why didnt your alarm go off... the lvdt's would have deteced this motion and set off the alarm...
man why arent you at the place right now looking for cameras, its a high tech resaler and they sell lots of expensive goodies so im sure theyll have some
A boats a boat, but the mystery box could be anything....Even a boat!
man why arent you at the place right now looking for cameras, its a high tech resaler and they sell lots of expensive goodies so im sure theyll have some
cuz i dont really care sense my dad is just going to have insurence pay for it.
hmm.. Parking Lot Loss/Comprehensive coverage loss.. with a "Unknown" or what they call "Phantom" car hit the insured.. that makes any insurance company watch your policy and look for any little thing whether it be another accident or moving violation or non payment of premium to cancel your insurance policy. and to be totally honest with you.. an insurance company would NEVER pay to paint your whole car.. when the damage is in a designated area..which can be isolated and fixed.
Make sure when your gonna lie about something.. lie so you dont get caught..
The whole reason for auto insurance to protect you when something happens and to INDEMNIFY you.. which means.. to put you back to the way you were before the incident happened.
An insurance company that pays to cover the painting of your whole car.. would be putting you in a better position than before the actual covered loss.
sometimes its just better parking far away from all the other cars
this dealer only has 1 row of parking with parking spaces on each side and it gets very busy
^^ ahh that sux.. Well yah I feel yah..
I parked at Carls Jr. once and when I got out i saw a huge sratch that went through down to the blackness.. The dood that parked next to me didn't know how to back out =P..turned to early is my assumption. Thats why now I always park near the window and so I can look out..
LNK "you only need something when you know it exists..then it becomes a want"
Sorry about your misfortune.. humm but I would hate to deal with the insurance.. Those basters are thief You paid all the time just in case something like this happen.. They happily take your money , but when something like this happens, they don't want to deal with it and if they do, your premium goes up! even tho it wasn't your fault.. SO WHAT ABOUT ALL THAT MONEY THAT YOU PAID BEFORE?? shit, thats why you pay them, to INSURE your car incase you get into an accident or some idiot hits you!.. Insurance are professional thief! is an independent Toyota Celica enthusiast website. is not sponsored by or affiliated with Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. in any way. The Toyota and Celica names and logos are trademarks owned by Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.