before you read on make sure your car is tuned correctly and not belching toxious fumes or even the sticky black all over the road. you won't pass!!!!!!!!
Start of using higher octane. not the pump crap sold in your hometown. i'm talking about 100 octane or higher. higher octane boils off and vaporizes at a higher temp and burns evenly at light loads (emissions = perfect). remember not pump gas. if you plan on using octane boosters primarily: toulene (octane booster), methonal, ethanal (more oxygen)there are negative adverse conditions to the two types of boosters though.
toulene- having too much toulene will increase octane levels but too much will lead to slow almost lazy burn conditions (not good).
eth/meth - will raise vapor pressure and can lead to vapor lock.
any questions you can find me on the other celica site