yesterday, it became cold and ranny around noon. arroud that same time, my throttle started sticking, and it hadn't done this earlier that day. when i would step on the gas, it would stick, the pedal came up, but the engine continued recieving gas for about 2-3 seconds. Today, i went to start it at about 5 pm, and it is doing the same thing, only this time there was thin white smoke comming out of my exhaust. the smoke seams like it's just the cold rain water burning off of the exhaust, since it had no sent. has anyone ever had this problem or know if it's just from the shitty weather? I'm leaning toward it being the weather, since this is the first winter i've had the car and it dosen't rain much in southern califorina. let me know what you think the problem is, because i'm not driving it till i know for sure.