Hello There!! So I finally caved and purchased my first car that I want to tune: 2004 Toyota Celica GT
Off the bat I love it, my dad was a technician with Toyota for 40 years and I fell in love with this car the first time I seen it. Now that I have mroe funds I want to start cleaning it up then get a few simple modifications done. A few things though have come up since purchase:
P0302 Missfire on cylinder 2
- It started happening about a month after the purchase. I replaced the Ignition coils, spark plugs, fuel injectors w/ filter, MAF and nothing seems to take care of it. What bothers me most is sometimes I'll go ahead and start the car, and the check engine light will be off like it's firing ok. What irks me more it doesn't matter if its good or bad weather. Unfortunately for me I can't take it to my pops (1k miles away), so i'm trying everything I can before taking it to a dealership, but I've done everything that he suggested.
Only other things I need are new front and rear transmission mount (rear one looks like shit, I notice it when I go in reverse), and a new rear bumper.
Any help would be much appreciated.