I'm having trouble decidng about a short shifter kit. I know of three, TRD, B&M, and TWM. Which is the shortest and what is the lowest price possible if each.
From what I have seen TRD-135$ B&M-145$ TWM-175$
I'm willing to sacrifice cost for the shortest throw,and I have a 2000, so I don't have to worry about that 1st gear lock thing. Thanks in advance.
twm has the shortest throw, then b&m and then trd. i've heard people complain about grinding gears w/ the twm, but then again, it's the driver. there's one stipulation with those though. if you have and '02 gts, you have to remove the rod from the housing and use the stock housing, otherwise, you just swap the whole kit. both the b&m and the twm are just replacable rods. i have a trd ss and it does it's job...no complaints here...
well i have twm.. its a great shifter.. i think its the shortest.. but bnm has the shorter throw. anyways.. i've grinded my gears once.. but thats because i'm a retard. and misshifts are due to driver error. oh yah one more thing.. the twm is like 95 dollars i believe
get the twm shortshifter. its quick and really good. i got mine for $110 U.S. from west covina toyota including shipping. stupid me though, i live in canada so i had to pay the UPS brokerage fee which was 1/3 of the price of the ss...so if you live in the states i don't think you need to pay the brokerage fee. it should take too long IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TOOLS!! regardless, the payoff will be great. for the first 3 days, depending on how much you use it, it will feel very stiff. but after the few days it'll be nice and quick. so i ordered from a place called west covina toyota. follow the links below for ordering information: celica 08/1999 - 04/2001 go here: http://www.cartserver.com/sc/cart.c...TWM^00/01+TWM+Short+Shifter^99.99^1^^^^5
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