So, few weeks ago I had to take off my intake manifold so I could get underneath to replace the knock sensor. Cleaned it all out nice while I had the chance.
Everything is working fine, but every single connector shattered (yay heat) and I'm wondering if anyone happens to know if the intake connectors can be found in a group, or if I'm going to have to splice in each connector separately (and if so, anyone happen to have the pn for those connectors)?
So far all I've found online is the entire engine wiring harness. Admittedly, totally needs to be done. Later on though...
This is my main car, and I'm balancing bringing her back from years of neglect and hacked mods and having a shit ton of financial responsibilities so I can't afford what I intended. So looking for economical options.

On that note, if anyone has *any* of the main engine wiring harnesses, hmu. This whole car needs to be rewired, everything is just crumbling in there from the climate here.

Thanks guys!